Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Are plans or blueprints available for my house?
A: If there is a Plan File number on the building card, it likely indicates the location of the blueprints on microfilm. Microfilmed blueprints are available by appointment at the Shaker Heights Public Library. If there is no Plan File number, the blueprints are not available. Plans of homes built before 1945 were not microfilmed, and the originals were not retained.
Q: How do I obtain copies of microfilmed blueprints?
A: Blueprints are slowly being scanned, roll by roll, by volunteers. If your plans have not yet been scanned, you can make an appointment to scan digital copies of your blueprints for free onto your flash drive. If you're interested in helping with the scanning project, we'd love to hear from you! Please contact the Local History Librarian at or 216-367-3016 to make an appointment or for additional information.
Q: Where can I find more information about the architect of my home?
A: Some information about prominent Shaker Heights architects is located at the Local History Collection at the Shaker Heights Public Library (216-367-3016) and the Shaker Heights Landmark Commission (216-491-1430), as well as in other local repositories. The Cleveland Landmarks Commission maintains an online Architects Database. Some Ohio architects are also listed in the American Institute of Architects Historical Directory of American Architects.
Q: How do I see the back of the building index card? What information is contained there?
A: The website only displays the image of the front of the building index card. The webpage for each property also includes a link to a downloadable PDF of the entire set of card images for that property, front and back (and additional cards if they exist). The back of the building index card contains a list of building permits issued for the property before the mid-1990s. Permits issued after the mid-1990s are catalogued electronically in the Shaker Heights Building Department.
Q: What if my address is not in the database, or my address' page does not display a card image?
A: This database contains information that was written or typed on a Building Card for each property at the time that property was built in Shaker Heights. For any address, the original Building Card may have gone missing and was not available to digitize; thus there will be no information about that address in this database.
Q: I think the information for my home is incorrect. What should I do?
A: There may be discrepancies between this source and other published sources of property information. The City of Shaker Heights and the Shaker Heights Public Library assume no liability for damages as a result of errors, omissions or discrepancies contained in this database. If you see a transcription error or have any comment about the database, please get in touch with us through the 'Contact Us' link at left.